RBW Strategy
JUNE 24, 2024
Challenge In 2022, the company had contacted RBW Strategy as they received several federal awards and would benefit from institutional background in managing and maintaining compliance.
RBW Strategy
JUNE 24, 2024
Challenge In 2022, the company had contacted RBW Strategy as they received several federal awards and would benefit from institutional background in managing and maintaining compliance.
RBW Strategy
JUNE 3, 2024
Challenge In 2022, the company had contacted RBW Strategy as they received several federal awards and would benefit from institutional background in managing and maintaining compliance.
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PKS Grants & Accounting Solutions
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021
A Grant Manager's Guide to Internal Controls Did you know, $600 billion is awarded each year in federal grants?? How do they impact your grants and your organization? They assure reasonable accuracy, validity, and reliability of financial management, program, and other information. So, what are they?
MAY 23, 2024
In the last five years, nonprofits have witnessed a significant upswing in the availability of federal funding. This trend is not limited to a specific size or experience level of nonprofits, as both large and small, experienced and new, are venturing into these funding opportunities.
Cain Nonprofit Solutions
MARCH 4, 2021
The National Endowment for the Arts (or “NEA”, for short) is the Federal funding agency for arts and culture organizations in the United States. They have several grant opportunities each year and most arts nonprofits usually want a piece of that pie. The NEA has several grant programs to which you can apply.
Assel Grant Services
JULY 21, 2024
OMB developed a comprehensive guide for the Federal government’s Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for federal awards that became effective in 2014. In essence, this updated, reorganized, and consolidated federal grant management requirements into a single document.
AUGUST 16, 2023
These revisions clarified that if a federal awarding agency determines there is “non-performance” on the part of the recipient of federal funds, they can either cancel the award or reduce the amount of funding. What does “performance” mean for grant management?
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