Sat.Jan 21, 2023 - Fri.Jan 27, 2023

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Nonprofit Radio for January 23, 2023: 2023 Fundraising Outlook

Tony Martignetti

Sarah Sebastian & Steve Lausch: 2023 Fundraising Outlook OneCause’s research study includes insights to help you benchmark, plan, prioritize and improve your nonprofit’s fundraising this year. From OneCause, Sarah Sebastian and Steve Lausch talk us through. Listen to the podcast Get Nonprofit Radio insider alerts! I love our sponsor! Turn Two … Continue reading Nonprofit Radio for January 23, 2023: 2023 Fundraising Outlook → Sarah Sebastian & Steve Lausch: 2023 Fundraising Outl

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Should Your Nonprofit Jump on the Artificial Intelligence Bandwagon?


I confess I know virtually zip about artificial intelligence. But I’ve been learning. Fast. Because it’s hard these days to travel anywhere in the world, including the social benefit sector, without hearing enticing things about it. How it can do all sorts of things faster and better than humans. How it can create cost savings. How it enables greater personalization.

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Lessons From MotivateMonday | The Secrets Behind the Best Nonprofit Development Plan

Pamela Grow

Did you know that the odds of increased revenue are 148% higher when your nonprofit has a written plan in place? Nothing will get you further faster than making a plan. Unless it’s implementing that plan! In this MotivateMonday session from January 16, Fundraiser extraordinaire, T. Clay Buck, CFRE led us through the eye-opening session, Uncharted Waters: A Fundraising Plan That Gets Results.

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TikTok, Reels, and Shorts: Candid’s big swing at short-form video 


By now you’ve probably heard that short-form video on social media is an important tool for reaching new and younger audiences. This is not groundbreaking news, yet many nonprofit organizations (Candid included) have hesitated to jump in for a variety of reasons. Despite the real and perceived challenges of creating short-form video, there are compelling and research-backed reasons to consider incorporating it into your social media strategy: 88% of people say they’ve been convinced to buy a pr

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AI for Grant Writing: 20+ ChatGPT Prompts You Can Use

This prompt guide for ChatGPT contains 20+ tested ChatGPT prompts, along with tips on how to use this tool the best way. Nonprofits can engage with ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas, refine project plans, and craft compelling narratives for grant proposals.

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The 3 Keys to Future-Proofing Your Fundraising

NonProfit PRO

The future’s looking bright for fundraising, but the rapidly upcoming generational shift has a lot of nonprofits looking to the future. Focusing on the traditional donor profile isn’t going to work going forward — which is why future-proofing your fundraising should be No. 1 on your priority list.

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Association CRM: Choosing One That’s Right For You + Our Top 13 Picks

Wild Apricot

The post Association CRM: Choosing One That’s Right For You + Our Top 13 Picks appeared first on WildApricot.

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Learn to Find Great Grantmakers with GrantStation

Tech Soup

Grantseeking is a vital part of any organization's activities, but it can feel overwhelming. Finding funders that line up with your needs is difficult, especially when it can feel like there are so many to search through. Your time is precious, and it isn't sustainable to give time to every grant you come across. GrantStation provides you access to databases of active funders accepting inquiries.

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How to Ensure Donor Engagement Strategies Actually Drive Nonprofit Contributions

NonProfit PRO

Any engagement other than donor engagement is meaningless — at least if your purpose is to drive contributions. Why care about clicks if they result in nothing more than likes and follows? When cobbling together your fundraising strategy, consider how to get from awareness to interest to engagement to investment.

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7 Ways to Know Your Board Is Diverse

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Joan Garry In the nonprofit world, we often lack a shared definition of what diverse boards look like and how they should operate. We check boxes to meet the need for diversity on our boards. and we may not even be able to articulate why board diversity matters.

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[Webinar] Fundraising for Advocacy and Advocacy Organizations


Fundraising for Advocacy and Advocacy Organizations is the same as fundraising for Service and Project Providers. but it’s different. Larry Kaplan, a nonprofit consultant who has an extensive background in advocacy, political campaigns, nonprofit management and fundraising, is well-versed on the similarities and differences. This webinar talks about how nonprofit leaders can and should fundraise for advocacy.

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How to Find the Best Membership Software for Your Nonprofit

Tech Soup

Membership management software stores all of your organization's member data in one place. Using these details, you can send personalized communications to members, learn more about and draw conclusions about your membership base, and more. In addition to organization, this type of software offers automation. For example, it can capture and store contact information as soon as someone signs up as a member.

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6 Steps to Reimagine a Traditional Donor Engagement Event

NonProfit PRO

As a nonprofit administrator, have you ever inherited a fundraising special event? Is this event still working for your audience, your organization, and your team? Post-pandemic fundraising is a good time to reset, strategize and start new traditions for stakeholders. Keeping mission in mind, this can include re-establishing or reimagining traditional donor engagement events.

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AmazonSmile's End Is Alarming, Say Nonprofits That Benefited

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Thalia Beaty and Glenn Gamboa, Associated Press Mark Lennihan/AP Thousands of nonprofit beneficiaries are disappointed and concerned about finding ways to replace the funding.

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Using the Sensory Funnel to Improve Nonprofit Efficacy and Productivity

Blue Avocado

Have you ever been too tired to function or experienced the sensation of being hangry? When our basic needs are unmet, we cannot perform at our best. This is also true of our nonprofits and without the right tools and understanding the problem can go undiagnosed and unresolved. The post Using the Sensory Funnel to Improve Nonprofit Efficacy and Productivity appeared first on Blue Avocado.

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5 Social Media Trends for Nonprofits in 2023

Tech Soup

There's a lot of change happening in the world of social media. The rise of short-form video content has fundamentally transformed the way many of us share, advertise, and connect online. Meanwhile, WhatsApp is increasing its reputation as a secure place for communities to connect. In just the past few months, Twitter has undergone serious changes that put the future of the platform into question.

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Overcoming the Worker and Volunteer Shortage at Nonprofits

NonProfit PRO

Today, the nonprofit community is suffering from a labor and volunteer shortage. Due to the lack of volunteers and a shift in government support, some nonprofit organizations may have to halt programs and readjust their goals to help those most in need.

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Major Funders Call for Increased Support of Black Feminists

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Glenn Gamboa, AP Business Writer Jordan Strauss/Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP Rihanna’s Clara Lionel Foundation is among the signers of the open letter urging more support for Black feminist groups. The open letter, from the Melinda Gates'a Pivotal Ventures, Rihanna's Clara Lionel Foundation, and the Ford Foundation and MacArthur foundations is intended to encourage others to support historically underfunded groups.

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Product Update: Take Donations with ACH and Venmo


It’s no secret that cash apps like ACH (bank transfers) and Venmo dominate our transactions. It’s sort of a no-brainer. Why would I take the time to pull out a credit card when I can tap an app on my phone—the phone which is usually in my hand? Yes, phones make emailing, working, and paying bills super convenient now. But what about donating, you ask?

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SEO Best Practices for Nonprofits

Tech Soup

Each nonprofit has its own approach to creating website and blog content. Perhaps you're putting a huge amount of effort into developing great blogs, but the numbers show that not many people are reading them. A fantastic way to get more value out of the content you're producing is to put some time into search engine optimization (SEO).

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How to Strategically Integrate Artificial Intelligence Into Your Nonprofit

NonProfit PRO

There are lots of ways you can use artificial intelligence to be more effective and efficient at your nonprofit — even with scarce resources. Artificial intelligence can add a “mod” to your skills and empower you and your team to amplify your mission.

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PetSmart Charities Commits $100 Million to Expand Access to Veterinary Care

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By M.J. Prest Also, Fidelity Investments is awarding $250 million to efforts to enable students of color to enroll in college, and Wells Fargo pledged $20 million to its Invest Native program for economic development in Indigenous communities.

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[Webinar] Capital Campaign Readiness: Can You Answer These 6 Questions?


Considering a capital campaign? Where do you start? Start by asking and answering six vital questions designed to prepare your nonprofit to enter the process. Exploring these questions will give you the confidence to move forward by helping you determine your organization’s readiness, your need for a feasibility study, and whether you need to hire a consultant.

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Five Tips to Help You Find Opportunities to Become a Grant Reviewer

DH Leonard Consulting & Grant Writing Services

Some of you may not know this about me, but I actually started my career as the Program Officer at the Michigan Women’s Foundation. I spent my days working with our two grantmaking committees (the Foundation has both Mini Grants of $5,000 or less and Social Impact Grants of up to $50,000 at the time I was there) and leading the Young Women for Change program which gave grantmaking programs of young women would grant a total of $20,000 into their respective community each year.

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Focus on Donor Retention This Year

NonProfit PRO

You cannot take any donor for granted, and the cultivation process, with an emphasis on donor retention, should continue year-round for each donor in your portfolio. Here are some helpful strategies you can implement to promote donor retention.

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End the Charitable Tax Exemption and Remove the Conflict of Interest Baked Into Big Philanthropy

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Jeffrey Cain At a time of growing distrust in philanthropy and stagnant or declining giving, it’s no longer tenable to maintain a system that allows donors to reap rewards through the nonprofits they fund.

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Peer-to-Peer Team Fundraising: Why and How


When you think of peer-to-peer activities, you might focus on the power of individuals. Certainly, individuals are at the core of a good peer-to-peer campaign, but don’t forget the potential of people banding together and forming a team. Team fundraising can seriously boost your campaign. The Power of “Together” in Team Fundraising A fundraising team is a group of people working together to raise funds for an organization or cause.

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CAE Certification for Association Pros: Here’s What You Need To Know!

Wild Apricot

The post CAE Certification for Association Pros: Here’s What You Need To Know! appeared first on WildApricot.

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4 Rules for Integrating Marketing Channels in 2023

NonProfit PRO

For any-sized marketing team, the choice of how to knit together the right blend of marketing channels has to be driven by a plan and understanding some fundamental rules of integrating channels. Understanding these rules gives your team the best chance of success.

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Nonprofits Enter 2023 With Inflation Cooling and Job Market Still Strong

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Sara Herschander Organizations are seeking loans and taking other steps to help keep workers, and those who are trying to build or renovate facilities are facing high borrowing costs. Meanwhile, foundation assets have been hard, so it might be tougher for nonprofits to obtain grants in the coming year or two.

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Develop Sustainable Strategies for Increasing Giving with a Donor Pyramid

Greater Giving

The Donor Pyramid is a tool for helping nonprofits understand their fundraising approach and evaluate its effectiveness. The Pyramid works by categorizing donors based on how often they give to your organization, from once-in-a-lifetime gifts down to individuals who make small donations each year. Each level of giving has different expectations and costs associated with it.

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Taking Great HOA Meeting Minutes: Everything You Need (+ Template)

Wild Apricot

The post Taking Great HOA Meeting Minutes: Everything You Need (+ Template) appeared first on WildApricot.

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The NonProfit Voice Ep 74: How to Use Influencers to Gain Awareness on Social Media

NonProfit PRO

Olivia Laura at It Gets Better Project and Tiffany Rivers at Media Cause join The NonProfit Voice to share insights into how the nonprofit teamed up with influencers to reach its constituents and raise awareness with a hashtag campaign on TikTok.

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Retired Construction Executive Gives $75 Million to U. of St. Thomas

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Maria Di Mento University of St. Thomas Lee and Penny Anderson, shown here with hockey player Maija Almich, are giving to support the University of St. Thomas’s new sports arena, which will house its women’s and men’s hockey and basketball programs. Plus, four Mars candy company heiresses together gave $22 million to support a science, technology, engineering, arts, and math programs at a prep school for girls.