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article thumbnail Is Greening the Planet with Lean, Green IT

Tech Soup

In a time when climate change and developing the green economy are somewhat passé, nonprofits have not given up on the mission. org is building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis and push for policies that will put the world on track to reduce our planetary CO2 to safe levels - 350 parts per million.

IT 54
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#11NPD: Rethinking Movement Buildling

Tech Soup

When TV personality Glenn Beck proclaimed in 2009 on the "Fox & Friends" morning show that President Obama was a racist with a "deep-seated hatred for white people," many people were understandably up-in-arms. The moment of opportunity had passed. The Role of Organizations in Movement Building.

article thumbnail Is Greening the Planet with Lean, Green IT

Tech Soup

In a time when climate change and developing the green economy are somewhat passé, nonprofits have not given up on the mission. org is building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis and push for policies that will put the world on track to reduce our planetary CO2 to safe levels - 350 parts per million.

IT 36